Think about a second-course choice if you are willing to enroll in another course at the same location in the event your first choice is full.
Discuss your course interests with your parent or guardian.
Meet with Your School Counselor
If you are currently a student at an FCPS traditional high school:
Meet with your counselor to review your academy/specialized program choice(s).
Your counselor will complete the online registration.
Check your e-mail regularly to confirm your application has been submitted by the deadline.
Registration Timeline
March 11, 2022 - Academy application deadline. After this date, registrations will be accepted for courses on a space-available basis.
April 1, 2022 - Admission decisions posted for school counselors
Student Visits to the West Potomac Academy
We welcome student visitors during our AM, Mid Day1, and Mid Day 2, Monday through Friday.
School counselors should contact West Potomac Academy Counselor, Nora Covert,, or 703-718-2752. It is important to us to make sure our visitors enjoy an excellent experience during their time with us.