E-News Winter
February 23, 2024

HOSA – Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America, is an international career and technical student organization endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Technology Education Division of ACTE.  For more information visit:  hosa.org

HOSA District Leadership Conference (DLC)

HMS teachers thank you for supporting HOSA DLC even on Friday, January 29, 2024, and for helping our students prepare for the events. We have first, second and third place winners from West Potomac Academy. See the chart below for results. 

Interview SkillsFirst Place – Raelynn Meas
West Potomac Academy
Health Career DisplayThird Place - Emma Lujan & Anum Ahmed
West Potomac Academy
CPR/First AidSecond Place- Emily Morales & Melanie Guzman-Gonzalez
West Potomac Academy
Medical SpellingThird Place - Khalen Amnathvong
West Potomac Academy
PharamacologySecond Place - Sneta Thapa
West Potomac Academy


HOSA Awareness:

Each month all Health & Medical Science (HMS) students raise awareness for select medical conditions through HOSA Awareness Months. They collaborate through research, education, donations, and community building projects. 

To bring awareness for pancreatic cancer, WPA’s HOSA Leadership team created a beautiful presentation and a very informative Kahoot Quiz created by Ms. Lara’s Medical Assistant students, purple awareness ribbons made by PT/OT students, infographics and a handout produced by Dental Careers students, and flyers by Pharmacy Tech students, all to promote pancreatic cancer awareness.  Our hallways were decorated by a team effort. Please give a shout out to Biotech, Dental I, Intro to Nursing, and Medical Assistant students for their planning and work to recognize Pancreatic Cancer.

Members of our Exploring Language of Medicine HOSA leadership have participated in several fundraisers. So far, they have raised almost $1200 in donations to separate organizations such as the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, and the Glaucoma Foundation. As a whole, HOSA has also focused on spreading awareness and educating our peers about the monthly topics. February’s focus is heart health - to help support HOSA’s cause, students hosted at IHOP Burke, a heart health fundraiser!