Music Computer Technology Classes' 3rd Annual Album Release Listening Party!

E-News Summer
June 10, 2024

Music Computer Technology Classes' 3rd Annual Album Release Listening Party! 

Listen to the student music!  @officialfivetwofive

This was an evening where the music tech students showcased the album that they have been working so hard on all year.  Their event included live performances of their music on stage.  For the actual album composition, students played instruments, sang, rapped, did poetry, wrote lyrics, produced, mixed, and mastered this entire body of work from start to finish, and it is entitled, "Growing Pains". The album is a blend of multiple genres. 

There was a special tribute acknowledging Trilogy Sound Studio’s Partnership throughout the school year and the Internship Program’s success.  Trilogy supported the live performance production by providing and managing the sound system.