West Potomac Academy Sponsors Health Fair for Head Start Students

By Maria Kappel
February 06, 2018

Students studying health and medical sciences career courses at The Governor’s Health Sciences Academy at West Potomac will reach out to Head Start students for the eighth annual health and wellness fair, Passport to Good Health, for children in the West Potomac Head Start program on three dates: Thursday, February 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Wednesday, February 14, from 10 to 11 a.m., and Thursday, February 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  

Head Start students will learn from academy students studying Dental Careers, Exploring Health Sciences-Exploring the Language of Medicine, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy Tech, and Physical-Occupational Therapy.  They will learn what happens during a regular check-up with a doctor and dentist, how to best brush their teeth properly, and participate in physical and occupational therapy activities to engage gross and fine motor skills.  The Head Start students will learn which medications at home are helpful and which could be harmful, and how healthy eating can keep you from getting sick.

Then they will make life-sized drawings of their body systems and learn about their bodies look and work on the inside.  This Passport to Good Health program is an example of how health and medical science students at West Potomac Academy reach out to the community to share health and wellness education.  Students participate in service learning projects such as Mission of Mercy, Project Smile, and HOSA’s district, state, and national competitions, and volunteer with pediatrics to geriatrics in local elementary schools and retirement home facilities.

Starting in spring, students will be placed in clinical observations, internships, and job shadow placements in dental offices, medical facilities, PT clinics, and pharmacies.